Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cruising Nova Scotia

London, ON

Last summer our sailboat, Meredith, took us out the St. Lawrence River, around the Gaspe and delivered us in Nova Scotia.  It was an easy passage and the effect on crew was dramatic.  An astounding trip and a fabulous destination.  Even the hurricane that greeted us in Halifax failed to dim the magnificence of the trip.

Last Saturday we arrived in London to find waiting for us a brand new copy of Peter Loveridge's just published Revised Cruising Guide to Nova Scotia.  It was with our general mail pile and we did not open it until today.  Sad for us.

All you Great Lakes sailors who want an exciting sail in domestic waters need to give serious thought to buying this guide and moving your boat out the St. Lawrence for a summer.  Nova Scotia is sort of a saltwater North Channel with actual historical sights and really really cool anchorages.

An easy to do, exciting trip and with Peter's Guide almost fool proof (almost to allow for the magnitude of the fool behind the wheel).

Peter has a decent blog at http://www.cruisingguidetons.blogspot.com/.  If the photos alone don't create an irresistable urge to sail east check your pulse.

To see if you have one.

To comply with the legal requirements I must confess that every picture on my blog has been unabashedly stolen from Peter's.  With his DVD in hand you can muster a fair reasonable wallpaper for the old laptop.  Something to feed the spirit on those long Ontario winter work mornings.

The guide was a fabulous aid: well written with a distinct maritime flavour, packed full of detailed drawings, tidal progressions, charts and information.  Peter is a very careful sailor and if you follow his guide you will come to no harm.  We maintained rather a looser affiliation with his recommendations but at least we were informed as to the risks.

We used Peter's recommendations on departure from Yarmouth heading to New England incorporating both tide and weather forecasts.  The three large American boats who failed to do so left 30 hours before we did and arrived to clear customs 2 and 1/2 days after we did.  Unhappy were they to see us nicely moored and showered and relaxed, they wet, beat up and tired.

And if you do as we did Peter's wife, Heather, will worry about you as if you were one of her own.  And when she meets you she will give you proper hell for being a careless fool.

We did the trip.  We loved it.  We will do it again.  Soon.  And we will be using Peter Loveridge's Guide.

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